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Defining Maine Teaching Materials


Defining Maine

Exploring Joseph Treat’s 1820 Journal and Map

In 1820, the District of Maine became an independent state. Much of northern and eastern Maine was wilderness, and the boundaries were not clearly defined.

Maine’s first Governor, William King, sent Major Joseph Treat to survey the northeast section of Maine. Treat enlisted the help of John Neptune, lieutenant governor of the Penobscot tribe, to guide him across the Wabanaki homeland.

Treat kept a detailed journal chronicling their journey, describing the condition of the land, settlements, Native camps, timber resources, and evidence of illegal logging operations.

Explore the map Treat used and excerpts from his journal here.

Educational Materials

In the following activities, students will analyze excerpts from Treat’s journal entries to explore what Maine looked like in 1820.  Students will be prompted to draw conclusions about how our understanding of the land and its resources has changed over time.

Defining Maine Intro and Teacher Guide


Taking a Closer Look

These worksheets actively guide students through a close analysis of the writing and drawings from the 1820 journey. They use Treat’s journal and the Moses Greenleaf map as a primary source.

Taking a Closer Look Intro and Teacher Guide


Maine State Museum